
Gay and Lesbian Patients With Cancer

  • 研究目的:描述男同志與女同志的癌症經驗
  • 研究方法:描述,質性分析
  • 研究地點:一個中等規模的加拿大城市門診癌症中心
  • 研究對象:31-69歲,罹患癌症的三位男同志與四位女同志
  • 研究發現:訪談資料的編碼分為四個主題:
    a. 向癌症治療醫生披露個人性取向的經驗
    b. 同性伴侶於癌症照護中所扮演的角色,以及醫生對同性伴侶的態度
    c. 支持團體
    d. 身體意象,關於癌症造成的身體外貌改變
  • 研究結果:本研究受訪者並沒有因為同志身份,而受到癌症醫療系統的恐同歧視。或許與加拿大在2004年便承認同性關係有關。受訪者表示,他們的伴侶在他們面對癌症時,扮演了重要的核心角色。而癌症照護的支持系統資源是與一般大眾有所差距的。
  • 研究解讀:雖然受訪者並沒有在癌症醫療系統內遇到公開的歧視,護理人員仍應該繼續確保具文化敏感度的護理給男女同志病患。

  • 癌症的疾病軌跡涉及不同的治療選擇,而多重治療是一段長時間的過程,並伴隨顯著的身體與情緒副作用。然而,很少研究是探討男女同志病患的癌症經驗,他們是被社會與醫療照護系統歧視的隱形性少數。
  • 在一個針對罹患乳癌的女同志與雙性戀女性研究中,72%表示會向癌症治療提供者出櫃,而沒有出櫃的受訪者表示,因為醫療提供者沒有問(Boehmer & Case, 2004)。被動的不出櫃是因為害怕恐同症、單身、性取向為隱私。而主動出櫃的人表示,因為他們事先尋求了友善與安全的醫療環境。但所有的受訪者都表示,在醫療處遇中,他們必須時時保持警覺,且與醫療提供者的互動是充滿憂慮的。
  • 在一個罹患乳癌的異性戀和女同志比較研究發現,女同志在診斷和治療過程中感覺到較多的壓力,並且對醫生有較低的滿意度,並且從醫療提供者得到的情感支持也較少(Matthews, Peterman, Delaney, Menard, & Brandenburg, 2002)。
  • Fobair et al. (2001)發現,除了醫療照護和社會支持的差異外,比起異性戀女性,女同志在經驗身體意象的改變時,經驗到更多的困擾。
  • 1. 出櫃
    本研究所有受訪者都有告知其癌症醫療提供者自己是男/女同志。有些人是在前幾次會診時就提到他們的同性伴侶;有些則是直接出櫃。所有受訪者都認為醫生應該知道,因為性取向是他們生活的一部份而且代表著他們是誰。並非為了不同的治療待遇。一位女同志受訪者說:「[It was important] to not be dancing around with who I am as a person and who my support people are. I think also that in a way we can do something to normalize gays and lesbians in the eyes of the larger community.」

    一些受訪者的出櫃得到了正向的回應;有些則得到中性的反應,甚至是被忽略的:「I was out with my surgeon. After the first couple of sentences, I said, “My partner [X] will be here,” and stuff like that. [The physician] didn’t really care. . . . He is very focused on what he has to do. 」
  • 2. 同性伴侶
    無論是在診斷或治療時,伴侶的存在都是至關重要的。一位女同志就表示,她很擔心她的伴侶在她的治療過程中,是無法被認可且被排除在外的:「At the time, my biggest concern was that, under the law, my partner had no standing, so we went through this process. . . . How would she be treated? Would her wishes be respected? Would my wishes regarding her presence be respected? Fortunately, all throughout the process I found that people in the system were extremely respectful of our relationship.」

    伴侶在支持癌症病患時所扮演的角色是很重要的。一位年輕的男同志表示:「I needed someone who I could break down in front of and he was the person there. . . . You need to feel like your life hasn’t changed that much. . . . You’re still an attractive being and you’re still desirable, especially by the person you love. 」一位女同志則說:「I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been to have done this without a partner. It made a huge difference to me.」
  • 3. 其他支持
    沒有出櫃的女同志,就感覺到她在支持團體中的經驗是受限的:「I am not ‘out’ in that group and so only part of me is really able to benefit from that experience.」
  • 4. 身體意象

    本研究的男性都認為身體外貌在男同志社群中是非常重要的。能擁有一個接納你因治療或疾病而造成身體外貌改變的伴侶,是非常撫慰的。就有一位男同志表示,在他第一次被確診癌症後,他就跟他的伴侶分手了:「It has a lot to do with body image. It’s a very sexually charged community and I think that dealing with your new shape, your new form, wondering how people are going to perceive that . . . I found that over time, and maybe because I was single again, the body image thing grew—where you become more conscious of how you look and how you present to others.」

    在男同志社群中,當你看起來生病了,大家不會想到癌症,而會以為你有愛滋病。一位男同志描述了他手術後的反應:「I lost 25 pounds within a week because of surgery, and I was really drained—you could tell the weight loss was so fast, and when I got out of the hospital and friends dropped by, I wondered if it was go- ing to be perceived within the gay community as having AIDS.」
Anne Katz, RN, PhD 
Oncology Nursing Forum • Vol. 36, No. 2, March 2009