“繼續當一個男人不是比較容易?” - 變性者的醫療遭遇經驗之質性訪談研究

‘Wouldn’t it be easier if you continued to be a guy?’ – a qualitative interview study of transsexual persons’ experiences of encounters with healthcare professionals
  • 這份研究對全球臨床社群有何貢獻?
    1. 本研究描繪出變性者在變性醫療過程中與醫療專業者的互動經驗。
    2. 醫療處遇經驗會與醫療專業者的態度、知識水平、其跨性別議題的臨床經驗有關。
    3. 醫療專業者需要有跨性別與性別少數議題的進修。教育者應確保LGBT課程是被納入護理和醫學教育中的。
  • 研究目的:
  • 研究背景:
  • 研究方法:
    瑞典一家非臨床樣本,包括六位被診斷為變性慾的人,已接受變性手術或正在等待手術。半結構訪談,並使用manifest qualitative content analysis進行資料分析。
  • 研究結果:
  • 研究結論:
  • 臨床實踐:
  • 瑞典變性概況:
    1972年,瑞典成為世界上第一個規範變性手術與法律的國家(Dhejne等, 2014)。令人驚訝的是,瑞典很少發表性別重置手術的研究,且就我們所知,這些研究都沒有涉及到病人的經驗

    SRS的申請自2000年迅速增加;2001~2010是過去十年的2.5至3倍以上。 FTM約0.42/100,000,MTF約0.73/100,000。影響SRS申請的因素包括社會偏見、診斷傳統、醫療可近性、新性別的法律合法性和保險給付(Dhejne等, 2014)。

    多數瑞典人支持性別重置手術(Landen & Innala 2000)。49個歐洲國家中,瑞典在LGBTI人權中排名第四(ILGA-Europe 2015)。

    在瑞典,要被診斷為變性慾,一個人表現出性別不安(gender dysphoria)必須轉介到六個專業性別團隊之一,經過約
    一年的評估。診斷確認後才開始性別治療,包括荷爾蒙治療與真實生活體驗。 FTM可以進行乳房切除術,MTF接受除毛和言語治療。大約兩年後,就可申請SRS許可和法律的性別改變(Dhejne等, 2014)。

    所有的藥物治療和醫療費用皆由國民健康保險給付(Dhejne等, 2014)。
  • 文獻提及醫療照護對變性者的不當對待包括:
    性別不敏感,例如使用不正確代詞(Kosenko et al. 2013, Xavier et al. 2013);
    顯示出不舒服,例如凝視或坐立不安(Dewey 2008, Kosenko et al. 2013);
    拒絕或提供較差的醫療服務,例如拒絕提供性別重置手術的轉診(Kenagy 2005, Dewey 2008, Lambda Legal 2010, Kosenko et al. 2013);
    謾罵(Lambda Legal 2010, Kosenko et al. 2013);
    敵對和忽視(Xavier et al. 2013);
    醫療強迫,例如被迫接受不必要的檢查(Kosenko et al. 2013)。
    一份2010Lambda Legal的調查顯示,變性者甚至經歷了醫療專業者的


    Poteat et al. (2013)探討了污名對醫療提供者與變性者間的互動影響。變性者表示,醫療提供者的
  • 訪談問題:

  • 一、正面的醫療處遇
    1. 專業(Professionalism)


    「My psychologist said that there is nothing to be ashamed of, it is not your fault,
    it is a medical condition. (Participant 2) 」

    They did not make a fuss of the transsexual background. If it’s not relevant, they don’t discuss it, and see persons for what they appear to be. (Participant 6) 」

    2. 誠信與尊重(Integrity and Respect)

    「I was present when he dictated the referral [for psychological evaluation] and he asked,
    “does this sound ok?” And I said yes. He was just positive. Even though it was a difficult situation he did the best out of it. (Participant 2)」

    3. 有反應的(Responsiveness)

    「They were very friendly. They did not come telling me, “Now we shall do this or that.”
    They really listened. They were compassionate and cared about me. I was lying there in real pain and could barely push the button to make them come. [. . .] To do the little extra: “Do you want me to raise the bed for you? Another blanket?” They asked me instead of letting me having to ask. (Participant 3) 」

    4. 信任(Trust and Confidence)

    「It was the encounter [with a transgender specialized physician] that made me trust him. (Participant 1)」

    I had been scared stiff of hospitals and hated doctors. Doctors are not humans one can trust [...]. But they were real nice and took really good care of me. [...]. This was not the scary doctors I’ve always happened to meet before. (Participant 3)」

    5. 變性者自身的應對(The transsexual person’s own part in the encounter)

    「Some [transsexual persons] cannot agree with anyone, and
    believe that the whole world is against them. (Participant 2)」

    I think it is the personal chemistry that does not quite match. I think much lies in that, if you meet a doctor you don’t feel confident with for some reason; that you don’t agree due to other social structures. Maybe it [the encounter] fails just there. (Participant 4)」
  • 二、醫護人員的態度和照護
    1. 知識水平(Level of knowledge)

    「The woman I met [during psychological evaluation] was a bit older, and she started saying, “
    I don’t know anything about transsexuals.” Somewhat surprising for a person working in the field of psychology. I was in the beginning of my transition. She asked, since I see myself as a homosexual woman and am interested in women, she said, “Wouldn’t it be easier if you continued to be a guy?” (Participant 2)」


    「In Sweden,
    they didn’t even know at the reassignment ward that this existed, and to me that is stupendous. Face reconstruction, feminizing surgery. They were very interested after my operation and wanted to take photos. I said yes. They wanted to know how it was done. I was really surprised, not of the encounter, but of their lack of knowledge. (Participant 2)」

    2. 他們怎麼說你以及怎麼跟你說話(How they speak to and about you)

    「It felt bad [when they used wrong pronoun], like they are normative in their way of looking at gender. [. . .]
    I feel as if they doubt which sex I am. Like they didn’t quite believe me. (Participant 5) 」

    3. 權力地位的利用(Exploiting position of power)

    「It was a funny little woman, a senior physician, who held the whole [transsexual] investigation by herself. She is somewhat short, but
    raises her chair so that she sits looking down at you. And then she went on, continuously trying to persuade. (Participant 1)」


    「My social evaluation, or the counsellor, did not feel very good, because she
    discussed matters that weren’t relevant. She was supposed to evaluate my social situation, whether I had the social support I needed among friends and family. Sometimes she asked very private questions, like what kind of sex I prefer, if I prefer anal or vaginal intercourse. It has not felt relevant, and very uncomfortable that she has asked that. She is in some kind of position of power towards me. It has felt very uncomfortable. [. . .] When I hesitated to tell her, she told me, “Just as well tell me now, so that we get this over.” I felt forced to answer her to get what I wanted, to get my correction. (Participant 5) 」

    4. 隱藏資訊(Withholding information)

    「It was very fuzzy. I expected questions concerning how I feel and so on, but it was nothing about that, it was more like looking at pictures and say what you see in it. [...] I got worried afterwards. Will she [a psychologist] assess me from what I see in a picture? I cannot see how that defines who I am?
    I have no clue how, and have no idea why these tests were conducted. (Participant 3)」

    5. 性別刻板印象(Gender stereotypes)

    「If you as a male-to female transsexual and
    not quite fulfill, or want to fulfill a typical female stereotype, they are questioning you continually. (Participant 6)」

    「The psychologist also said, “I actually know a transsexual person, and she had very broad shoulders and played ice hockey, and when she did, it wasn’t odd.” (Participant 1)」

    「The Rorschach pictures with inkblots you should look at and interpret, many people warned me that you absolutely not should say that it looks like a vagina or a butterfly.
    You could say neutral things, but not feminine things if you’re a transsexual guy. (Participant 1)」
  • 三、脆弱性的看法
    1.  對自我的屈就觀點(Condescending view of oneself)

    「I used to say
    I don’t need help to dislike myself, I have already done that for a long time. (Participant 2)」

    I was malformed, misshaped, not a real human being. I was some kind of weird thing my parents got. Something went wrong there. (Participant 3)」

    2.  依賴(In dependence)

    It is not possible to change doctors and there are long queues everywhere, so if you want to change investigation team it will not work. There are queues everywhere. So it is just to say “thanks” to what you get. (Participant 4)」

    I need their help, and they are deciding if I can go through with my correction or not. (Participant 5)」

    3. 不被認真看待(Not being taken seriously)

    「And they are extremely negative to everything. And they [said], “We cannot do that, we cannot send a referral if we are not sure you really are transsexual” [. . .] And there were many of them who said, “
    You are only 16, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” (Participant 1)」

    4. 成為變性者不是可以選擇的(Cannot choose not being transsexual)

    「It is like an
    emotional roller-coaster up and down with hormones and transformative operations, questioning how it will go. Will it work, will I pass? Because there is no plan B. You cannot say, no I think I’ll skip this. It has to work, if it doesn’t, I’m screwed. (Participant 2)」

    5. 外界的高需求(External high demands)

    「I felt I had to mature more than I was able to. (Participant 1)」

    「It is formed so that
    I’m supposed to be the driving factor in the reassignment process, and that is pretty hard when you feel really ill. Naturally this is also reflected in the psychological support that you receive or not. If I phone and cancel a visit because I feel ill, so sure I get a new visit [. . .], but nobody calls and asks how you feel. (Participant 2)」

  • 本研究發現與Mayer等人(2008)的研究結果一致:提供醫療照護給變性者的醫療專業人員是不足的,是造成性別少數病患取得良好醫療保健的主要障礙之一
  • Mayer等人(2008)認為,無論是醫學、護理學校或是進修教育課程.都沒有提供醫護人員所需的完善培訓,像是照護變性者的態度、知識與技能等。
  • Rondahl(2009)發現,只有17.7%的護理與醫學生對LGBT照護有基本的知識。
  • Carabez等人(2015)指出,從業護士在很大程度上缺乏對性別認同和性取向的理解。
  • Mayer等人(2008)表示,若缺乏知識與教育,性別少數將會持續遭遇醫護人員對他們需求的無知與毫無準備。
Ann-Christin von Vogelsang, Camilla Milton, Ingrid Ericsson and Lars Stro€mberg 
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Clinical Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jocn.13271